Jan 22, 2007

Do you Pillow-Fight? May be you could take it up as a career!

Wow! This is one of the wonderful sports that can be!

I used to find pillow-fighting really cute and a friendly fight. Very much like two young puppies playfully pushing and biting each other in the morning sun!

Pillow fights can be a pleasant way to express mock displeasure... kids, sppuses, siblings... all use the down-filled cloth bag for a bit of fun filled contest!

But here is a real contest - The Pillow Fighting League!

Deliberately crippling babies, even before they are born!

Now this is outright scary... a perfect example of an experiment gone completely awry. Like what we used to see in science fiction movies!

The idea of genetic intervention to screen out defectvie embryos which might simply get aborted or be born with severe birth defects is one thing!
But the very thought of changing the genetic structure of unborn normal babies to induce defects in them sounds horrible to me!

Read on for the horrifying revelation!

Fall from 17th floor, and just a broken leg!

Do you believe in sheer luck?

I am unable to find any other explanation for how this person could survive such a fall! A fall from 17th floor, um, i used to think, would be invariably fatal!

Perhaps the God of Death was taking a nap at the time! Whatever, this chap has loads and loads of luck, and a brand new life - cheers!

Not allowed to fly over a T-shirt!

Have you ever wondered that the slogan that you wear on your T-shirt could be the cause of a ban on you for air travel?

Well, that is what happened with a man who didn't change his T-shirt after being disallowed by an airlines from boarding their plane! He stood up for the principle of free speech!

Find out what was on the T-shirt he wore!

Big Brother row reveals India's coming of age!

This is the view exhibited in this news article!

So for more views and reviews about the Big Brother row which shot up Jade and Shilpa to international fame (or infame), read this article!